Paper Publication Opportunity

Important Notes

  • Several Publication windows are introduced in this Call including Conference Proceedings, indexed journals, and Monograph publication. Make sure to Select ONLY ONE of the Publication opportunities. Simultaneous submissions can potentially lead to copyright violations or disputes if the work is published in different publications. 
  • Check the scope of each publication opportunity and select the ONE that best matches the theme of your paper.
  • Strictly follow the submission guide for each publication opportunity.


Peer-Reviewed Journal Publication

Important NOTES before Journal Submission:

  1. Carefully read the Scope of the selected journal before submission, otherwise your paper will be rejected without a review process.
  2. The decision of whether or not the submission can be included in the journal publication remains at the full discretion of the journal editors and is subject to the results of the double-blind peer review and the satisfactory completion of any revisions required.
  3. If you select a journal with a Direct Submission Link, include a note to the Editorial Board with information about the conference and the Organizer.
teacher education 2023

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International Conference on Research in Teaching and Education
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